How we plan to work


Random acts of kindness

We are happy to support random acts of kindness and initiatives to enable others to be the change. We might make one-off or small and repeated commitments.

Programmatic contribution

We are also happy to fund programmes, from time to time, but we are more interested in effectiveness rather than efficiency, believing that requiring 100% of funding to go to beneficiaries directly is a self-destructive goal.

Strategic contribution

The main areas interest in which we believe we can make a difference are:

  • Making medium to long term commitments to core funding of projects or institutions.

  • Taking risk in providing funding such as

    • Research to open or better understand a field

    • Capacity building of our partners

    • Promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing

    • Helping the partner build evidence

  • Considering other ways in which resources available to us might make a difference.


We do not wish to burden the partner with inappropriate conditions.